Tuesday, February 24, 2009

KIDS HAVING KIDS? What in the world....

<--- I just really really felt that I had to blog about this.

When I first read about this, all I could think was, what's a thirteen year old doing having sex with people two years older than them? First of all, the boy looks like he's only eight years old. The girl could pass as a twenty year old (she's at the bottom right of the picture). They did it when he was twelve, which makes me think further, how do twelve year old boys know anything about sex? Kids are losing their naivete at much younger ages, but this is just appalling.

I knew what sex was at the age of twelve, but actually doing it and how it's done were beyond me. It wasn't until someone told me the boy's portion of family ed (I think that's what they called it?) that I finally knew the how part, and even then I wanted to seriously cleanse my mind with bleach or something and forget what I had just heard. The only explanation I can think of is that it was the fifteen-year-old girl's idea to do it. Just to add to the absurdity, the boy doesn't even know what "financially" means. Just... insane. What is the world coming to?

Here's where I read about it (it might take a while to load because there are so many comments): http://thevibe.socialvibe.com/index.php/2009/02/13/13-year-old-uk-boy-becomes-a-father-huh/

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