Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Write Louder than I Speak

If you read anything I write, you would see words clearly articulated on a piece of paper. If you ever met me in person, you'd see that I'm somewhat shy and that I tend to stutter here and there. I am way better at expressing my thoughts with pen and paper (or in this case, keyboard and computer) than I am at speaking them out. Sometimes I hate that I'm so shy. I often have daydreams of myself being much more confident than I really am.

Yes, I do write louder than I speak. When I write my thoughts flow easily onto the paper. I have even been thinking about getting a career in writing. I already know that I want to write a book later in life and have it published. Recently, I've realized that as soon as the school year ends, the blog that I do for Honors English may not exist anymore. Which is part of the reason why I started up an account here (the other reason was that I needed a place to put my SocialVibe badges XD). Anyway, hopefully I'll find a more interesting topic for people to read. Until then, au revoir.


cynthee said...

hehehe i know you have a talent in writing.. so keep it up.. =) im looking forward to your next blogs..=) by the way im cynthia just a newbie here.. =)

b. luis grey said...

You should link your English honors blog to this compilation of random thoughts... or just leave it as is. I see potential for a great writer. Wish I started earlier in life. It's never too late.